by: FaerieBadBoy
These horrific Contracts were struck with fell beings of Nightmare, Blood, Flesh and Bone. Eminently suited to producing glamour from Disgust, House Czernobog revels in their use, despite the substantial dangers involved in so doing.
The character sends a shot of adrenaline shooting through his muscles, temporarily increasing his strength.
Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Strength + Wyrd
Action: Reflexive
Catch: The character takes a hit of some sort of upper.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The character strains a muscle and suffers -2 to his next action involving strength.
Failure: There is no effect.
Success: The character adds a number of additional dots to his Strength for his next Strength-based action equal to the number of successes rolled.
Exceptional Success: The changeling also gains the 8-again quality for the next action he takes using a Strength based dice pool.
Suggested Modifiers
+1 ~ The character grunts or yells loudly about his strength.
-1 ~ The character acts calm, restrained or sedate.
The character knows the scent of blood well, so well he can use it to track an individual by scent.
Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Wyrd
Action: Instant
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The character bursts a blood vessel in his nose from the effort and suffers a -1 to all perception rolls for the next scene due to the distraction and irritation.
Failure: The clause fails and the character’s senses are unaffected.
Success: The character gains +2 to all Wits based perception rolls for the next scene as his senses are heightened by the exciting and titillating scent of blood. He can identify and track an individual by the scent of their blood (much like a dog can).
Exceptional Success: The Perception bonus increases by +1.
This clause allows for the shaping and molding of flesh. The character literally reaches out and the flesh beneath his fingers moves like wax, to be sculpted and shaped as he sees fit. Uses of this power may result in the Mask shrouding the individual so afflicted. If this is the case, the individual may become permanently enchanted at the Storyteller’s discretion.
Cost: 2 Glamour + 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Crafts + Wyrd vs Stamina + Wyrd
Action: Extended and Contested (successes vary depending on complexity of the change enacted, see suggestions for the Crafts skill), resistance is reflexive.
Catch: The character uses a razor to slice himself open (inflicting one point of lethal damage) and uses the blood to rough out the changes to be made to the subject.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The character’s flesh loses cohesion and begins to run and drip like wax, imposing a -2 penalty on all rolls for the remainder of the scene. This also essentially gives the character the equivalent of the Striking Looks Merit at Negative 4 dots.
Failure: No change occurs.
Success: The changeling may select one single limb of aspect to shape and mold per activation of this clause (head, arm, leg, hands, etc). If imitating a known subject, the feature is similar enough to pass casual inspection. In addition, the character may impose a one-die bonus or penalty to a single skill related to the feature altered (Larceny for hands, Brawl for the right arm, Striking Looks 2 for the face, etc), and add or subtract one point of armor. The effects of this contract last for one scene. When the clause ceases to have effect, the subject of the clause takes three levels of bashing damage.
Exceptional Success: The effects of this clause are instead permanent, if the character so chooses. Choosing to permanently, horribly disfigure a mortal is a Clarity Sin at Level 1.
Suggested Modifiers
+2 ~ The character has a detailed sketch or photo to refer to.
-2 ~ The character has never before seen the feature she is emulating.
Much like the previous clause of this Contract, Twist the Bones allows for the shaping of the body, either another person’s or the self. Just as with the previous clause, the character must physically mold the changes desired in the subject. However, in this case, the degree of changes possible is truly horrific and can result in severe malformations and mutations of the body. Uses of this power may result in the Mask shrouding the individual so afflicted. If this is the case, the individual may become permanently enchanted at the Storyteller’s discretion.
Cost: 2 Glamour + 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Strength + Wyrd vs. Stamina + Wyrd
Action: Extended and Contested (successes vary depending on complexity of the change enacted, see suggestions for the Crafts skill), resistance is reflexive.
Catch: Within the last 24 hours, the character has defiled a grave, dug up the body, and harvested its bones.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The character’s bones lose cohesion and causes severe instability in the character’s body, imposing a -2 penalty on all rolls for the remainder of the scene. This also essentially gives the character the equivalent of the Striking Looks Merit at Negative 4 dots.
Failure: No change occurs.
Success: The changeling may manipulate bone in the same manner as flesh as described above, although the use of bone allows for a bonus or penalty of up to 2, rather than only 1. In addition, he may cause himself to sprout bone spurs from his hands, inflicting one point of lethal damage, but enabling his unarmed brawl attacks to inflict lethal damage. If used offensively, (an action requiring initiating a grapple), the character may inflict one level of lethal damage on the subject as he causes his bones to morph and shift within his flesh, bursting forth in sprays of blood and gore at his behest.
Exceptional Success: The effects of this clause are instead permanent, if the character so chooses. Choosing to permanently, horribly disfigure a mortal is a Clarity Sin at Level 1.
Suggested Modifiers
+2 ~ The character has a detailed sketch or photo to refer to.
-2 ~ The character has never before seen the feature she is emulating.
The character has designed a horrific warform of twisted bone spurs and slabs of flesh and muscle, a vision of nightmares walking in flesh. The character gains unparalleled strength and resistance from harm.
Cost: 3 Glamour + 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Resolve + Wyrd
Action: Instant
Catch: The character has been reduced to wound penalties by a surprise attack.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The character's apotheosis goes horribly wrong, and he ends up crippling himself. This results in a -3 penalty on all actions for the remainder of the scene.
Failure: The character remains unchanged and cannot attempt this clause again during this scene.
Success: Each success adds one to the changeling’s Stamina, Strength (which also adds to his speed), gives him one point of armor, and reduces the wound penalty taken from bashing and lethal damage by one. In addition, his unarmed attacks do lethal damage. The bloody ecstasy of this horrific transformation fuels an almost berserk battle fury. The character will never retreat, and never forgo an attack in order to dodge. This battle-transformation lasts for one scene and may only be invoked during or immediately before a combat.
Exceptional Success: No additional effect beyond that granted by 5+ successes.
Suggested Modifiers
+1 ~ The changeling is unarmored and using only improvised weapons.
-1 ~ The changeling is armed and armored.
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