The Book of Nod:
More Words of the Clan Chiefs

by: Xavier Lev-Argonne for Sanguinus Curae

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The Words of Lasombra to his Childer

Know you this, my progeny,

that tendril of shadow shall trail behind us wherever we go.


Know you this, my progeny,

that our vanity shall show forever in the looking glass.


Know you this, my progeny,

that our land is forever the land of darkness.


Know that when the time comes,

darkness shall consume my soul, as it will one day consume yours.


Listen well, my sons, my daughters! Let not yourselves be consumed by our own darkness!


Know and remember that our place

is a place of shadows, from where we shall forever dwell, watching.

Made we were to watch from the shadows,

our purpose, and so we shall.


Know that forever, I will watch you

from the shadows, through eyes not my own,

and will one day find my way

into a fleshly home anew,

and will walk amongst you once more.


The Words of Tzimisce to his Childer


Forever are we Damned.

Damned by Caine, Damned by the One Above,

It matters not what we do,

It matters not what we say,

For we shall forever be Damned.



Forever are you Damned.

Damned by Caine, Damned by the One Above,

and Damned by myself.

Forever shall you be Damned.



Damned we are for eternity.

Waste not your time here with repentance.

We are monsters, we shall forever be monsters.



Be shamed not of your monstrosity!

Revel in your accursed selves!

But be warned, make not the mistake I did.

In due time, I will fall, and one of you

shall replace me.


Be Damned. Do not let your being Damned

control you.


Assam's Words to his Childer

In power do I dwell! Join me!

From power do I drink! Join me!

With power do I live! Join me!

Eat the heart's blood of the unworthy,

so that you may join me in my power.

Take the life from the undeserving,

and drink deep the blood of power.


Find my childer when one pace are you

removed from myself.

Find ur-Shulgi, show him the potency

of your Blood,

and he shall take you to the One.

Join me!

Drink deep the heart's blood, as did I.


The Words of Set to his Childer

Snakes. We are snakes.

Corrupt others, for that is how the snake

tempted Adam and Even into leaving Eden,

which led to Caine's birth,

which led to my birth.

From corruption comes good things,

good things for you.


Corrupt others so that you may

take those good things,

and corrupt yourself.

Corrupt yourself, so good things

may pass onto others.

Be corrupt, and take pleasure

in the good things that come from it.

And pass those good things on,

as I have passed on mine to you.

The Gathering:
Words Beyond the Book of Nod

by: Lord Vladimir Von Tenebron for Sanguinus Curae

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Many Clans have words from their Founders in the book of Nod. Not so for those of Clan Baali. The words of their Immortal leader are to remain in the minds of Kindred for all eternity, serving as a reminder that Darkness lingers always on the horizon and none are safe.


"My childer

Long we have been the downtrodden

The miserable

The outcast

And the shunned.

Treated more as leper

Than as the Kings we are.


Remember always Moloch

Whose blood flows through

Thine veins.

Remember Namtaru

Demon lord of Plague.


Remember the Children of Darkness

For this world is more theirs

Than even we know.


Finally, remember the Great Lord

For he shall grant you power."


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