Giovanni: A View from Without

by: Alex McCoy for Sanguinus Curae

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The Death clan, Devil Kindred, Grave robbers, 'Those Bastards'; the Kindred have many names for the Giovanni clan. But no matter what names Kindred call the Giovanni behind their backs, all are at least reasonably polite to their faces. For it is well known that the Giovanni clan are Necromancers, welding power over life and death with an almost casual air. Besides their powers of Necromancy, they have many things that set them apart from the rest of the kindred.

One is their Kiss, the means by which they feed, unlike other kindred, who's kiss causes a near ecstasy in the mortal. In the Giovanni kiss, mortals feel only pain and fear, making it rather hard to feed quietly and discreetly. This has led to the Giovanni becoming one of the leading blood bankers in the world. With their help and control the worldwide blood banking industry has been booming for years. Some is used for operations and such, but most makes its way into the family blood bank.

Second, all Giovanni use ghouls. They have a large number of them, in fact it is said that there are more ghouls in the clan than vampires. This is one of the ways the Giovanni spread their power. Also, all Giovanni vampires were at one time a ghoul. When a family member has proven his or her worth, in anything from money to manipulation of other mortals to gambling, he or she is given a first taste of Vampire Vitae and the powers it brings. The ghoul then serves his or her Regent to the best of his or her ability, doing anything the Regent wants including risking death. After all, when serving a necromancer, death is not the end and it's best to die on good terms with one or else. Once the ghoul has proven his or her self, he or she is given the embrace and made a true member of the Giovanni family. Not every ghoul is so lucky, those whose service is only "ok" or up to par never receive the embrace and are forced to remain ghouls forever.

Thirdly, the Giovanni clan is rich, loaded with money. Careful management of banks and world trade has given them a huge sum of funds. They are so rich and powerful that they have their own area code, and all family members have a number in the area code for ease of contact. Worldwide, the wealth of the family rivals - if not surpasses - that of the Ventrue.

The Giovanni clan also stands out in that it is widely believed that they are all related. Not only are they a clan and share the blood of Caine, but they are all also related by their mortal blood. While untrue, this has proven most useful. After all, someone who would refuse to deal with a Giovanni, might have no problem with dealing with a Miller. In all, around 6 or 7 families make up the Giovanni clan.

Lastly, of all the Clans of Caine, the Giovanni clan is the only one to have next to no Antitribu. There are a total of maybe two, the world over. The Tremere make that claim now, but the Family has been able to do so for almost a thousand years.

So, you have a clan with wealth, magic, power over the dead, and an almost fanatical loyalty. What are they up to? Why have they built this huge power base? How do they enforce such loyalty? Why are they not using their power? Now you see why the other clans are very worried about the Giovanni.

Giovanni: A View from Their Progenitors

by: Carnak Bantinelli for Sanguinus Curae

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Scum. Treacherous, deceitful, incestuous, necromantic scum. That is how I can best describe this Clan of diablerist fiends. They hide behind secrecy and power now, both granted by the blood of my sire and brethren flowing in their wretched veins. But as it is, as much my blood as it is theirs-and my claim is infinitely older-I know their secrets and impart them to you this night, so you too may know...

Once, they were nothing but a group of necromancers. They annoyed the dead, who cared little for it, and the Giovanni with any level of capability in their annoyance were promptly killed by these errant souls. But great father Cappadocious saw something in their necromantic rites, something that would further our Clan's knowledge of death, and chose to embrace one, one named Augustus. To those of you who know this name, you will realize it is that of an Antediluvian. But this was not always the case, not until the night Augustus attacked Cappadocius in his haven, ripped the soul from his form, and attained his frightening power.

Similar to the Tremere and the Salubri-though that is a story for another time-they attempted to purge their progenitors. Many of mine were destroyed, but we are a Clan of Death and we refused to let these wretches defeat us. Some fled in the mortal lands, some to the Shadowlands, still others used our discipline to hide from the beasts. While we waited in exile, biding our time on both sides of the shroud, they became accepted as the true Clan of Death. But a reckoning has begun, and the vengeful will get their due.

They use ghouls more so than we used even the zombu we were adept at creating. That is one shortcoming we have capitalized on. Go ahead, if you feel the need, tell them that their ghouls have betrayed them to their betters, it matters little, for they will be unable to tell who is ours and who is theirs.

They have money. They can buy and sell entire countries if they so choose. Yet another flaw easily exploited. Money gives to greed, and greed rarely gives time to spending of funds. If Guido had had more guards... maybe it wouldn't have been able to kill him so quickly. Maybe.

They can control the spirits of the dead. Fat lot of good that does them when the army of zombu that assails them is nothing more than animated corpses. But don't forget the fact that not only do we have allies amongst the dead, we also know how to travel to and from the land of the dead.

Simply put, there is little to fear from a clan composed of inbred, greedy, ignorant scum. Just beware not to stand too close them at any given time. When I destroy them, I would hate to kill you, as well.


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