by: Benedira for Sanguinus Curae |
While the battles between Horus and Set may be ancient history - even just mythology to some - the war is continued in the crusade of the Disciples of Horus. Though Horus slew Set, his disciples must still purge the world of Set's children. Just as the Followers of Set believe that they are descended from a god, the Disciples of Horus believe their maker to be of holy stock. Their embrace is not the transformation into a creature of darkness, but a warrior of light.
The paradigm of the Disciples of Horus is best understood by quoting from their holy scripture, the Book of Nefertari, which is committed to memory by every member of the clan.
When Seth was slain by Horus, the murder of our great father Osiris was avenged. Horus took the throne of Egypt, and all the land rejoiced as the birthright of their beloved king was restored. Horus brought light and prosperity to his people, and Egypt was made one. But still a great plague was on the land of Egypt, in the form of the vile minions Seth had spawned. These creatures did corrupt the people, and brought despair and destruction upon their households. When Horus learned of this plague he summoned to him his two sons, called Amenhotep and Khetamon. He commanded them to go into Egypt, and free his people from the infestation of Set's children. And so the brothers did go, to obey their father's word.
Set's minions were many, and though Amenhotep and Khetamon were fierce they were forced to flee back to their father's house. When Horus learned of the strength of his enemies, he provided his sons with small armies with which to defeat Set's brood. Amenhotep and Khetamon went out into Egypt again, to face the enemies of their father and their father's father.
But Set had granted his children the power of the serpent, making them horrible creatures of the darkness. Set's followers did tempt and slay the armies of Horus, and Amenhotep and Khetamon returned to tell Horus of their failure. When he learned of the powers of Seth's brood, Horus decreed that Amenhotep and Khetamon must find ten among his people that would not fall to temptation. He commanded his sons to return to him in two days time with these ten.
So Amenhotep and Khetamon did journey out among their father's people, gathering to themselves the strong of virtue and spirit. After the second sunset passed, the brothers brought these people to their father.
Just as Seth had granted his children the powers of darkness, so did Horus imbue his warriors with the gift of light. He commanded them to destroy the plague of Seth, and rid the land of its despair. Then Horus did turn to his sons, and give his last command.
"Twice I have sent you out to defeat my enemies, and twice you have failed. You shall not return to my house until this plague is vanquished from my lands. You shall walk in darkness with only the light I have given you, until the day that the hand of Seth is lifted from my kingdom. Only then shall you again be welcome in your father's house."
With this decree, Amenhotep and Khetamon did take their warriors and leave their home. But Khetamon was sorely afraid of Set's children, and he left his brother and fled to a distant land to the east. When Horus learned of Khetamon's cowardice, the gift of light was taken from him. But Horus could not destroy his own son, and ordered that Amenhotep and his warriors would never hunt Khetamon or his descendants or seek revenge for his desertion.
Amenhotep led the disciples of Horus against the armies of Set, and their number did grow as more sought to join the holy crusade against the darkness. But Set's minions were many, and already had begun to carry the plague beyond the lands of Egypt. With Seth's children went the evil of Seth's corruption, and they did serve their vile master faithfully. So then did Amenhotep's armies divide, and some followed Seth's brood out of Egypt.
The Disciples of Horus believe that the sun hurts them because of Horus's anger, and they will be denied their father's light until the day that Set's brood disappears from the world. They also believe that those who die in the service of Horus's vengeance go to the underworld where they enjoy an honored place at Osiris's table. Likewise, the fallen minions of Set go to the underworld where Osiris punishes them for their master's treachery.
Even the Assamites of old would be hard pressed to match the religious fervor of this clan, as Disciples of Horus see their unlives as having no purpose beyond the vindication of Horus and destruction of the Followers of Set. The Disciples of Horus make no distinction between Setites and Serpents of the Light; all are the get of the vile god, and touched by his evil.
The Disciples of Horus are rumored to share a secret relationship with the Bastet, but the clan never speaks to outsiders on the matter. It has also been rumored that the bloodline has some association with the fabled Illuminati, though no proof has ever been offered.
Because of their open employment of Egyptian symbols and writing, it is easy for outsiders to mistake a Disciple of Horus for a Follower of Set. Setites fear these fierce enemies, however, and the painful damage the Disciples can cause with their mastery of light. It is a favorite tactic of Setites to employ other clans and sects to destroy the small groups of Disciples that hunt them by reporting them to be Setite nests that intend to threaten the power of these sects or clans. This is the greatest reason the bloodline remains so small and obscure.
Grave Robbers, Harendotes
"Perish, foul servant of Set!"
The Disciples of Horus pledge allegiance to no sect, and indeed do not even consider the struggle between the warring sects to be their fight.
Most Harendotes are of Egyptian heritage, though in later nights they have begun to embrace members of other ethnic backgrounds. They often adorn themselves with Egyptian symbols and hieroglyphs, and favor the fabrics and clothing styles of their ancient homeland.
The Disciples usually gather in small bands made up of sires and childer. As they often travel, few establish permanent havens. When a long term dwelling is chosen, many of the Harendotes prefer mortuaries, and sometimes even morgues.
Part of the reason the bloodline remains so small is the high standard potential clan members must measure up to. Disciple initiates must be fit and healthy, and judged by their sire to be impossible to corrupt. Harendotes prefer their childer to be reasonably acquainted with Egyptian history.
Physical and Mental Attributes concern a Disciple of Horus when selecting a childe, as does a strong will. The potential candidate must also have a propensity for faith and devotion to the cause, and Talents and Skills usually make up the majority of a Disciple's Abilities. Harendotes often develop a Fanatic nature in their early nights as vampires, if they did not have it to begin with.
The power to resist temptation is highly respected by the Harendotes, as is courage. Superior combat skills are revered also, and the extermination of Setites is considered the highest possible accomplishment among the clan.
Devotion to Horus's cause is a trying and rigorous task, often requiring the Disciples to go to great lengths to accomplish their goals. For this reason, the humanity of these vampires is usually stripped away quickly and willingly, and replaced with the path of enlightenment known as the Path of Retribution.
Potence, Celerity, Illumination
The Disciples of Horus can consume only dead blood, a requirement they believe exists because Osiris was dead when he fathered Horus. Consuming living blood causes aggravated damage at the rate of one damage level per two blood points consumed. To avoid the damage, the body must be dead for at least 24 hours before the Disciple drinks from it.
In earlier times, this weakness was not as difficult to cope with. As modern burial procedures gain popularity, however, feeding is becoming increasingly difficult for Harendotes. Embalming practices have limited their options considerably.
It is from this weakness that the Disciples of Horus gain the nickname 'grave robbers', given to them by Setites to refer to the method of 'hunting' they employed in the past.
Disciples of Horus enjoy a hierarchy of age and generation. In the small bands that travel together, the eldest among them is always the leader. This structure is never challenged and rarely even resented, as the Harendotes believe they are the faithful legions of Horus.
Disciples meet yearly on the Isle of Tangiers (Morocco) to exchange information and stories, as well as to be reconsecrated to Horus.
Because of their fanatical nature, no offshoots of this bloodline exist. Harendotes keep only one initiate - a fledgling childe - at a time, focusing on the physical and spiritual education of that childe whenever they are not actively hunting Set's minions. For this reason, no clan member deviates from the holy responsibility of their blood.
They busy themselves with whatever they must. Their struggle is not our struggle, their ways are not our ways.
Their fervor is to be admired, but we do not understand their cause. They rebel against their gods, a folly that can only end in death.
The loathsome remnants of a vile, deceitful usurper god. They must all be destroyed, and Set's withering touch must be banished from the world.
They are our brothers, and we bear them no animosity. Do not depend on these children, however, for they have forsaken their father and turned a blind eye to the injustice done to their family.
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