by: Zinon for Sanguinus Curae
This power allows a vampire to craft simple blades from the very shadows themselves. These weapons, once forged, last until sunrise, until the crafter returns the blade to shadow (same time length for bringing forth a blade), or until other mystic means destroy the blade (at storyteller's discretion, fire may also destroy the blade). The unnatural blade inflicts aggravated damage.
Opponents and onlookers must roll Perception against a difficulty of 6 to see the blade. Failure causes the onlooker to see nothing more than a shadowy blur, and a botch means the onlooker cannot distinguish the blade from any of the other shadows around. Mortals (and weak-willed vampires) must succeed on a Courage roll (difficulty 6) on seeing the weapon or suffer terror as per other uses of Obtenebration.
To forge a blade, the character must decide the desired size and shape first, then spend 1 blood point per foot in length (round up) the blade will be. They must then reach physically into a shadow (usually a hand, but a small blade may be drawn with just two fingers). The amount of time it takes to draw the blade from the shadow is relative to the size of the shadow it is drawn from. For example, it takes only one turn to draw a three-foot sword from the thick shadows beneath a table, but drawing a one-foot dagger from the shadow a hand casts requires 3 turns. Past the first turn, the vampire must spend a willpower point for each turn it takes to fully withdraw the blade.
by: Alasdair for Sanguinus Curae
While very similar to Dark Forge, Shadow Reaver is a much simpler and more effective discipline.
The vampire can use the darkness in her soul and call it out, causing a long blade to coil down her 'good' arm. The blade forms out from her palm and averages at 40 inches, however the length changes depending on the size of the vampire, to better suit her. The vampire can control the blade simply by moving the wrist.
The blade takes two turns to come forth and costs 1 blood point. The blade adds strength to the vampire's attack equal to her Obtenebration level, and the damage is aggravated as the unholy blade is made of the strength and anger that lingers in the Lasombra's darkened soul.
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