Assorted Discipline Powers A - N

Celerity: Teleport

by: Reno Camilani for Sanguinus Curae

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Celerity Level Seven Variant

After centuries of unlife, some Kindred no longer have to move from place to place. They're just there. With Teleport, a vampire can disappear from a location and reappear in another location. There's no transit time, and tangible objects don't get in the way any more than air does. At the entry and exit points, there's a ghostlike shimmer of the vampire before she appears/disappears. The entire process takes less than a second, though.


No roll is required, but two blood points must be spent. The character may teleport up to 25 feet away for every dot of Dexterity she possesses. If another solid object occupies the spot, decide whether the vampire or the object has the bigger mass. If the Kindred does, then the other object is shoved out of the way. If the object does, the Kindred jumps directly next to the object. Teleport happens so quickly that it does not count as an action, and normal Celerity may even be used in the same turn.

Dementation: Dyslexic Reality

by: Don Lara for Sanguinus Curae

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Dementation Level 6 Variant

The harbingers of madness take it upon themselves to impart some small sliver of their own insanity onto others. Vampires who have mastered the manipulation of sanity, however, know that harmless alterations in perception can often have the same effect of a lifetime of mental anxiety and torture.
When affected with Dyslexic Reality, the target's perceptions of the world around him are flipped on its axis, making all things perceived as their temporal opposites.

Some possible effects: males perceived as female; night seen as day; red lights seen as green lights; black as white; up as down; old as young, etc. This power might also alter the victim's perceptions about themselves: the victim may believe he is speaking normally, when everyone around him hears it as backwards, and vice versa; looking into a mirror, he may see himself as female, or as physically older or younger than he really is.



Player spends a blood point, and rolls Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty being the target's Willpower score). The effects of this power can be few or wide. If simply used upon a target, the victim will perceive the opposite of everything around him, in whatever fashion the Storyteller may wish. However, if the Vampire spends a Willpower point when he enacts this ability, he may mentally choose a single thing to be perceived as opposite. Such a thing may only be general, such as 'males seen as females' or 'left is right.' Specifics like 'you will see Prince Jonathan as a woman' or 'main street is a two-way street, instead of a one-way' are not possible. Spending a Willpower point in this way precludes any other 'opposite perceptions' the victim might experience.

The duration of this power depends on the number of successes gained:

1 success: 10 minutes

2 successes: 1 hour

3 successes: 1 day

4 successes: 1 week

5 successes: 1 month

There are other effects this power might have: if ice is seen as fire, for example, the player will still have to make the regular roll for Rotschreck, though the perceived fire might not do any actual harm to the character (it's up to the ST, in the end). Also, if night is seen as day, the character might either run in Rotschreck, or be amazed or entranced that he is able to walk in the sun. The false sun, however, will not make the character sleepy or unable to function, or damage him; those effects are mystical ones caused by the real sun, and cannot be reproduced by an altered perception.

If the player botches, however many 1's he rolled count as successes against 'himself' for use of this power. Ergo, a botch equates to the Discipline's user experiencing Dyslexic Reality.

In the end, the key phrase for Storytellers is: Be creative, be sadistic, B-B Guns.

Note: This power is nothing like 'Horrid Reality.' It cannot be 'disbelieved' as it affects the target's entire concept of reality by the sum total of his perceptions.


Player spends a blood trait and makes a Static Mental Challenge against the number of the target's Mental traits. On a win, the target experiences Dyslexic Reality, as described above (or as dictated by the Storyteller), for the scene or an hour, whichever comes first. However, if the player declares the spending of one mental trait prior to the initial challenge, and wins, the effects of the power will last for the rest of the night. If the player spends a Willpower point, he may define one 'general' subject to be perceived, as described above.

In the end, the success and use of this power in a Live Action game is dependent upon good roleplaying, and its effects should not be 'skipped over,' or simply narrated. Use your best judgment.

Dominate: Chemical Alteration

by: Reno Camilani for Sanguinus Curae

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Dominate Level Six Variant

With the advent of modern medicine, technology, and genetic science, it is now known that many imbalances in the brain are caused by chemical fluctuations, which were previously mistaken for demonic possession or social dysfunction. A Kindred who is knowledgeable enough about biology can modify a subject's chemical template by causing minuscule changes to the amount of a chemical in their brain. Depending on their skill, very drastic changes could be wrought unto another's mind this way.

Note: This power functions differently from Dementation. Chemical Alteration is permanent, although the changes it brings may be treated with modern psychology and medication. It cannot be used on Kindred. Something else powers a Cainite's mind besides mere chemicals. Also, a vampire must have a Science rating of at least 3 before this power can be learned.


Spend a Willpower point and make an extended Intelligence + Science roll. Difficulty depends on the desired change. Causing minor quirks, like mild hallucinations, is difficulty 7. Schizophrenia and other full-blown psychological maladies are generally difficulty 8 or 9. Sexuality can even be changed with Chemical Alteration. The subject could find herself attracted to the same gender, neither gender, both genders, or something truly bizarre, like animals or trees. Modifications like this are generally difficulty 9 or 10. In order for Chemical Alteration to succeed fully, a number of successes must be rolled equal to the difficulty times two.

If the Kindred stops or is interrupted before the process is complete, then the subject has a milder version of the desired affliction, depending on how many successes were achieved. If the Kindred wishes to finish what he started later on, he needn't roll the whole amount of successes again, only enough to make up the successes he missed the first time (he does have to spend another Willpower point, though).

Fortitude: Tensile Resilience

by: Reno Camilani for Sanguinus Curae

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Fortitude Level 8 Variant

With this power, a Kindred is entirely immune to impacts. Bullets, falling hundreds of meters, getting hit by an eighteen-wheeler: all of that means nothing to a vampire with this level of Fortitude. True, getting hit by a vehicle would probably force the individual back a ways, but he will receive no damage from the impact because his skin is so durable and flexible. Bullets bounce off the character, and batons, billy clubs, chairs, etc., cannot harm a vampire with Tensile Resilience. He is simply too tough.


This power requires no blood points and is considered to always be in effect. A Kindred with Tensile Resilience is completely immune to bashing damage.

Melpominee: Banshee Wail

by: Reno Camilani for Sanguinus Curae

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Melpominee Level 7 Variant

While the Daughters of Cacophony are known for their beautiful voices, the word 'powerful' may be more accurate to describe them. They are masters of ventriloquism, voice projection, and empathic singing. Some of the Daughters, though, have some decidedly more 'painful' powers. With Banshee Wail, a Kindred skilled in Melpominee may unleash the powers of her voice into a deafening shriek. Louder than heavy machinery, jet engines, and sonic booms, nothing can compare to the volume of Banshee Wail. The Daughter must be careful however, it may be a breach in the Masquerade if she shatters all of the windows within three blocks.


The character spends two blood points to pump up her voice box and then spends a turn to crescendo her voice. At the beginning of the next turn, the deafening wail damages everything in a radius equal to the Daughter's Strength + Performance in yards. Anything in the radius that can hear rolls Stamina + Fortitude (difficulty 7, increased to 9 if they're using Heightened Senses, or difficulty 5 if they're hearing impaired). The base amount of aggravated damage is 10, lowered by one for each success on the Stamina roll. Most creatures hold their ears and collapse, as the splitting pain overloads their mind. Also, anything within ten feet and directly in front of the Daughter's mouth is pushed physically away from her. In addition, the wail damages inanimate objects in the area, eroding building material, cracking metal, and shattering glass (Storyteller's discretion, generally). Banshee Wail is a devastating attack when used effectively. It may be used only once every five minutes, however, in order for the voice box to recuperate.

Nihilistics: Strip

by: Reno Camilani for Sanguinus Curae

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Nihilistics Level Six Variant

A repugnant power, Strip is used to tear flesh off things. Some Nagaraja use Strip on a regular basis to better slake their need for skin. Most Nagaraja are already pretty cruel and sadistic, and this technique just adds fuel to the fire.


The character spends a Willpower point and looks at his target, making motions with his hands of the person's skin coming off. It doesn't have to be a person, it can be pretty much anything with skin (including trees and fruit). It doesn't even have to be alive, in fact, it's easier if it's dead. The character rolls Intelligence + Medicine at difficulty 8 if it's on a living or nonliving target, at difficulty 7 for an animal, difficulty 6 for a corpse. The difficulty is further reduced by one if the character uses Thanatology in place of Medicine. It may be even lower on a corpse in an advanced state of decay, at the Storyteller's discretion. The target (if it's living) rolls Stamina + Fortitude against the Nagaraja's successes (difficulty 7). Each success by the target neutralizes one success against the flesh-eater. However many successes are left are applied to the target in lethal health levels as his/her skin peels off and drops to the ground in a disgusting display of the power of the Kindred. Use of this power around a Kindred may be enough to send him/her into frenzy or Rotschreck, while using it on a Kindred will almost certainly cause a frenzy.


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