Assorted Discipline Powers O - Z


by: Reno Camilani for Sanguinus Curae

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Auspex Level 7 Variant

Chimerstry Level 6 Variant

Dementation Level 8 Variant

Dominate Level 8 Variant

Obfuscate Level 7 Variant

The Ravnos have long been adept at creating and controlling powerful illusions, powerful enough to make people (and other things) believe they are real. A foil for the Discipline, Neutralize does exactly that: it erases illusions. This power is relatively vague (like all the powers of Chimerstry); it can destroy any illusions made through the use of Chimerstry from levels one through five. However, it may not be used to detect these illusions - that knowledge is gained through other powers. This power works best in situations where the character knows that a Ravnos is around.

Note: Generally, only Ravnos will be found with this power. Other clans may learn it, but the level of power required is higher (as denoted by the higher Discipline levels for mental disciplines which may use Neutralize).


The Kindred spends two Willpower points and focuses on what he believes to be the illusion. If the object/person/whatever is an illusion, it fades from reality immediately (not just from the caster--it no longer exists, period). If the object is not an illusion, the Willpower points are wasted. If the caster wishes to erode other illusions besides those created with Chimerstry (example: Fae), then he spends two Willpower and needs to succeed on a Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty 7). Each success equals one turn in which the illusion disappears. In the case of the Fae, this will most likely result in a breach of the Masquerade.

Quietus: Quell the Lingering Soul

by: Reno Camilani for Sanguinus Curae

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Quietus Level 7 Variant

One of the little-known side effects of Amaranth is that often the victim's soul is not entirely subsumed and gets trapped within the diablerist's body. From that point on, there is a constant struggle between the souls for domination of the body. Some Assamites, who often diablerize dozens of Kindred throughout their murderous careers, have found a way to isolate the foreign soul and squash it - at least temporarily. Older Assamites with this power have nothing to fear from remnant souls. This power may also be used on occupant souls that haven't been stolen through diablerie (demonic possession or some Auspex powers, for example).


The Kindred spends two Willpower points and rolls her permanent Willpower in an extended and resisted action against the Willpower of the foreign soul. If the soul is in the body through the use of a high-level discipline, three points are required. The target number of successes is the Kindred's current generation doubled (i.e., a sixth-generation character would be shooting for twelve successes). If the character loses, nothing happens (besides the loss of the Willpower points). If the Kindred loses with half as many successes (or less) then the lingering soul, his body is taken over by the soul for one round for each success in the difference between the two scores (i.e., if the aforementioned sixth-generation diablerist had five successes when his opponent scored twelve, the soul takes over for seven rounds). If the character wins the contest by only one or two successes, the soul is 'trampled down' for one week per Willpower point spent (with a base of two weeks for the first two Willpower points). If the diablerist gets three or more successes more than the lingering soul, the soul is destroyed (the Storyteller, however, may rule that the soul got out just in time and is free to find another body, but is forever prevented from entering the diablerist's body again). If the soul is in the body through the use of Disciplines, it is forced out if the character wins with any number of successes (but may not be destroyed through the use of this power).

Sanguinus: Link

by: Reno Camilani for Sanguinus Curae

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Sanguinus Level Six Variant

Some Blood Brothers, through diablerie, have managed to lower their generations enough to learn a sixth dot in Sanguinus. There are also those rare non-Blood Brother Sabbat that decide to learn Sanguinus, and their generation is low enough to learn advanced manifestations of disciplines. Either way, the Sanguinus power Link functions as an enhanced version of Gestalt, with more advantages.


Each vampire in the vicinity of the person activating Link (including the activator) spends a blood point if they want to "jack in." The Linker has the final say on who is allowed in, though. A successful Link confers the following advantages, including the ones present for Gestalt:

  • Any vampire within the link may delegate health levels to other members of the Link. For instance, a Brother gets nailed with some Lupine claws, inflicting 8 levels of aggravated damage. He may spread the damage out to the other members, who all do their own soak rolls. At least one health level must remain for the original target, though. Vampires receiving health levels in this manner may not refuse to take the levels - she has to deal with them. Also, Kindred in the circle may take health levels of damage from another, to "lighten the load."

  • Disciplines may be loaned to others just like Abilities are at Sanguinus Level Three. Mental disciplines possessed by Linked vampires, like Auspex, may be used by all the members in the circle freely. Generation limits still work, though. A 12th-generation vampire can't use Auspex level 6.

  • A communal dice pool is made up for all the vampires in the circle to use. There is one die automatically, plus one for each member who links (i.e., a group of five linked vampires has a dice pool of 6). These dice may be used by any member of the circle for any action involving an Attribute or Ability. The pool replenishes itself every turn, and a vampire must leave at least one die in the pool when she uses some (unless there's only one die left).

The powers of Link last for one scene.

Serpentis: Komodo's Bite

by: Reno Camilani for Sanguinus Curae

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Serpentis Level Six Variant

Some Serpents of Light have studied different species of reptiles for years, trying to discern survival features, and then make facsimiles of them through the Blood. Some of the Serpents have created a use of Serpentis that allows them to emulate the virulent bite of the komodo dragons. The decay and gangrene caused by the bite allows the Serpent to locate, from a considerable distance, a target that's been bitten. This power has seen some experimental use during battles between the Sabbat and the Camarilla.


The character spends two blood points. The change takes only two turns to enact and lasts a scene. The Serpent's top and bottom canine teeth elongate and flatten out into spearhead shapes, and cancerous viruses and bacteria form in the mouth. Biting damage is Strength+2 aggravated, and after the soak roll, an opponent who's been bitten must make another Stamina roll (difficulty 9, Fortitude may not be used on this roll). If he succeeds, the only damage he receives is from the bite. If the roll fails or botches, the bacteria have infected the wound and begin to break down the surrounding tissue and bone. The bacteria inflict one lethal health level of damage every hour until the victim dies or is treated. Most hospitals are equipped to halt the progression of the bacteria. Kindred with the germs may make a Fortitude roll (difficulty 7) and spend two blood points to flush them out of the wound. If the Fortitude roll fails, he may keep trying until he runs out of blood.

Kindred or mortals who are infected may not heal any wounds caused by the viruses until the viruses are gone. Also, Serpents with Komodo's Bite and many predatory and scavenging animals (including Lupines, perhaps) may smell the victim by 50 feet for every health level inflicted by the bacteria (i.e., a person who's taken three levels of damage from the germs may be smelled up to 150 feet away). Kindred with Auspex may also be able to smell the decay. Creatures without any extended olfactory powers (like humans) can smell the wounds by one foot for every health level. The wound reeks of rot and decay. If a mortal gets to Crippled from the viruses, the surrounding tissue is useless and must be amputated. During an urban battle where many obstacles are in the way, having an identifying marker like this makes it easy for Sabbat packs to locate and dispatch poor slobs who've been bitten.

Visceratika: Wing Flutter

by: Reno Camilani for Sanguinus Curae

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Visceratika Level Six Variant

The Gargoyles have long had powerful wings, enabling them to fly very fast and get the drop on their foes. Coupled with Potence and Fortitude, the Gargoyles are almost unstoppable in combat. This power gives them another edge. While it may sound dainty, Wing Flutter is the opposite. The Gargoyle beats her wings with as much force as she can muster, then slowly rotates in a circle. The force of the wings is similar to helicopter rotors. Any objects in the vicinity not bolted firmly down to the ground (like Kindred) get lifted off their feet and thrown rather ungracefully away from the Gargoyle. Enterprising 'Rockheads' use this power as they fly over their enemies, smashing them into the concrete or whatever else they're standing on.


The Gargoyle spends two blood points and begins beating her wings. The player adds up his Flight + Potence; this is the distance in yards that the objects get thrown next turn. For example, a Gargoyle has Flight 3 and Potence 4 and uses Wing Flutter. The wind buffets stop at a distance of 7 yards from the Gargoyle. Anything within a 21-foot radius around the character would get deposited outside the radius. A person one yard away from the kindred would get physically picked up by the winds and thrown 18 feet (and will probably get bashed by a wing on his way out), while a person 20 feet away from the Gargoyle might just get a forceful shove outside the circle.

For every five feet a person travels before they land, they take two levels of soakable bashing damage from the sheer velocity of the winds (i.e., a person thrown 17 feet takes six levels of bashing damage). Individuals with objects in their hands must make a Strength roll (difficulty 7, Potence counts) and score at least three successes or the item gets thrown out of their grip. A character may try to stay within the radius for the duration of the power, but it takes a successful Strength roll (difficulty 10, this is reduced to 8 if he can grab onto something solid like a parking meter, or digs his claws into the ground. Two successes are required. If one success is gained, the person starts sliding away from the Gargoyle. He may try to roll again next turn. Potence counts as automatic successes on this roll, but only if the person has something to hang on to). The Gargoyle may keep this power in effect for as long as she wishes, but must spend a blood point every turn it is used. Individuals trying to hold onto something must roll Strength again every turn this is used.


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