by: Wraith 01 for Sanguinus Curae
This path is the reprieve of the blood bound, allowing the thrall a modicum of control over the master via the blood that keeps them bound. This path does not allow the blood bound to forgo the tenants of the bond (i.e. they still cannot hurt their domitor), but it can be used to alter the treatment the thrall receives from their master. The more often these powers are used on the master, however, the longer they are likely to keep their thrall bound to them, as they rarely wish to part with their prized possessions.
This power causes the master to be more inclined towards the thrall. It may dissuade them from giving the thrall dangerous orders or from wishing to harm the thrall, or it may make them more receptive to listen to the thrall.
This power will not defeat conviction - it only modifies the light the thrall is cast in for the master.
By spending a blood point, the thrall causes the master to become more inclined towards them. An empathy roll should be made on behalf of the master to determine how susceptible they are at the moment. This effect lasts for as long as the master and thrall remain in immediate physical proximity.
Under the influence of this power, the thrall becomes more favored and trusted in the eyes of the master. This may lead to greater responsibility, greater status, and better overall treatment. The predilection will seem completely natural to the master and is likely to go unchallenged unless the thrall directly angers their master.
System: This power requires the expenditure of one blood point and half an hour spent in ritual. The user must make an Empathy + Manipulation roll at a standard difficulty of six, though modifications to difficulty should be made if the thrall is in an extreme position of disfavor when attempting to perform the ritual. The effect of this power lasts for one night.
Using this power, the thrall can further insinuate herself into the master's confidence, becoming more important to their domitor. Ideas and suggestions put forth by the thrall may naturally seem to have more merit than those put forth by others. The thralls safety may take on greater import as her value becomes clearer to the master. As with the power of Favor, this belief is likely to seem natural to the domitor unless the thrall does something to directly challenge the validity of this belief.
This power costs two blood points, and requires an hour-long ritual to complete. The user must make an Empathy + Manipulation roll at a standard difficulty of six, though modifications to difficulty should be made if the thrall is in an extreme position of disfavor when attempting to perform the ritual. The number of successes determines how long the effect will last, the duration being one night per success gained.
At this level, the thrall can so incline their master towards them the master will begin to favor them over others, possibly even syres and significant others. Depending on the demeanor of the master, the thrall may find themselves living a life of luxury, or they may find themselves with a dangerous but vital task the master would trust to no one else.
To use this power, the thrall must spend three blood points and two hours in ritual. The user must make an Empathy + Manipulation roll at a standard difficulty of six, though modifications to difficulty should be made if the thrall is in an extreme position of disfavor when attempting to perform the ritual. The number of successes determines how long the effect will last:
1 success: One week
2 successes: Two weeks
3 successes: Three weeks
4 successes: One month
5 successes: Six months
6 successes: One year
With this power, the thrall can temporarily turn some of the effects of the bond back on the master. While the master will not be physically unable to harm or endanger the thrall, they will be extremely disinclined to do so, and the feeling of love/worship that the bond creates will affect them. Even if the domitor becomes aware of the 'feelings' they have suddenly developed for their thrall, they will be unable to dispel them and must make willpower rolls to act against them.
This power requires no ritual, but does require the expenditure of three blood points. The user must make an Empathy + Manipulation roll at a standard difficulty of six. Unlike previous levels, the difficulty is not modified by the thrall's favor at the moment, though the difficulty of the master's willpower rolls to act against the simulated bond should be lowered if the thrall is in an extreme position of disfavor when attempting to use this power. The number of successes determines how long the effect will last:
1 success: Fifteen minutes
2 successes: One hour
3 successes: Three hours
4 successes: Twelve hours
5 successes: One week
6 successes: One month
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