I am a US Marine Infantryman, and I have some issues with the stats on military equipment listed by White Wolf. For one, the Storytellers Companion has the AK-47 with a longer range than the M-16. Wrong. You would be luckey to hit someone on full auto at 300 meters with an AK. Also, Kevlar is not as bullet proof as you might think. We had a demonstration at the School of Infantry, and an M-16 round went right through the Kevlar helmet.
I am presenting this based on my profesional knowledge, and those of you who go for realism should be interested. True, I am presenting Military grade weapons, but, that is what I know. The ranges given here are in meters.
Range: 500
Diff Mod: -1
Damage: 8
Rate: 3
There are two models, the M16A1, and M16A2. The A1 is the older, vietnam version. The A2 is curently used by our military forces. The A1 is capable of three round burst and full auto, but more likely to jam when on full auto. The A2 is capable of three round burst. Three round burst is, honestly, a waste of ammo against mortal opponants due to the fact that the burst is so quick that you will either hit with all three rounds or miss compleatly. One round will kill a human. it might be advantages against kindred though. The NATO 5.56 round the M16 fires bounces around inside your body, shredding your internal organs. There is often no exit wound.
Range: 300
Diff Mod: 0
Damage: 7
Rate: 3
The AK fires on full auto. It is a well built weapon, but meant to be mass produced, not for accuracy. It will fire under virtually any condition, it's main advantage over the M16. The 7.62 round simply goes right through you. If the round doesn't penetrate a vital organ or artery, then you will most likely live.
Bash: 3/5
Stab: 2/5
Bullet: 1/4
The number on the right shows after steel plates have been inserted. However, we almost never get them, so you can pretty much rule them out. Contrary to popular belive, flack jackets ARE NOT made of kevlar, but fibreglass.
Bash: 4
Stab: 4
Bullet: 2/4
If the round hits at an angle, it is less likely to penetrate, and more likely to bounce off. Use the number on the right for angled shots.
These weapons are military grade hardware, and getting these should be very difficult. But, then again, Kindred control many aspects of government and industry, and it would be very conceivable that a Vampire controls an arms manufacturer. After all, making weapons has always been a very lucrative business. These two weapons, the M-249 SAW and the M-203 grenade launcher, are used buy Marine and Army riflemen. Range is given in meters. It can not be stressed enough that these are military grade weapons, and storytellers should not hesitate to bring down the authorities, both Kindred and Kine, on characters using these. The attention these weapons bring can easily threaten or blow the Masquerade. In addition to the requisite role-playing to acquire the weapons, acquiring ammo should be equally difficult.
Range: 800/1000 extreme range
Diff mod: 0/+1 extreme range
Damage: 9
The SAW only fires on full auto. There is no rate listed, because every pull of the trigger will send at least three round down range. The SAW is belt fed, but you can insert an M-16 magazine, but you can NOT use both a belt and a mag at the same time. It WILL jam. The SAW must be well lubed and requires good maintenance to fire effectively. Also, the barrel should be changed after about every 200 rounds to prevent warping. Storytellers are encouraged to be creative when characters aren't responsible with this weapon. Also, an over heated barrel can result in a cook off, which causes the gun to keep firing due to the heat of the gun setting the rounds off even after the shooter has let go of the trigger. SAW ammo comes in 200 round drums. Every 5th round is a tracer round, which might cause aggravated burning damage.
Range: 500
Diff Mod: 0/-1 with quatersite
Rate: 1
Damage: HEDP (high explosive duel purpose);15, decreased by one for every meter away from ground zero.
Incendiary: As the HEDP, only burns, so causes aggravated damage
Buckshot: fires a big shotgun shell, damage 8
The 203 is attached to the bottom of an M-16. It is breach loaded, and takes a turn to reload. The quatersite improves accuracy, but we rarely get them. The weapon is aimed with a leaf site that flips up in the front, but most of the grenadiers I know don't bother with it. Experienced grenadiers have a feel for the weapon and can pretty much judge the angle needed to pull of a shot. Also, the HEDP and Incendiary rounds take about 30-50 meters to arm, and will not explode till armed, though getting hit with a 40mm round will most likely kill whatever was on the receiving end, or at least seriously hurt Kindred.
Here, I present to you gear that is often used by police and military in controlling civil disturbances. Considering the Kindreds' propensity to use mortal riots as cover for their own physical conflicts, it is definitely not inconceivable that your characters could be on the receiving end of these. Non-lethal munitions are police and military grade equipment, and their use by civilians WILL draw attention, especially those used only by the military. I am talking serious jail-time in federal prison.
Damage of Strength +1.
Riot control personnel are trained to strike areas such as the sides of the upper leg, the shoulder, and to block with them. Strikes to the head, neck, or center of the chest or back should be considered lethal.
These rounds cause bashing damage, unless otherwise noted.
Ranges: All ranges are given in meters.
Minimum Safe Distance (MSD): If fired closer than minimum safe distance, these rounds will cause lethal damage. Oh yes, these can still kill, that is why their use it restricted to trained personnel, and only when they are ordered to fire.
There are two types of rounds fired from the twelve-gauge shotgun, the beanbag round, and the rubber fin stabilized round.
Damage: 5
Range: 50
MSD: 30
These fire a lead filled beanbag.
Damage: 4
Range: 30
MSD: 15
This is a very accurate round. Subtract 1 from the difficulty to hit.
There are two rounds fired from the M203 Grenade Launcher (see Revised Weapons and Armor II). They are the Foam Baton Round, and the rubber ball round. These are only used by the military.
Damage: 5
Range: 15
MSD: 5
This fires three 1.5-inch thick pieces of hard rubber foam. This is very accurate, subtract 1 from difficulty to hit.
Damage: 5
Range: 30
MSD: 15
This fires several rubber balls about a centimeter in diameter. They have about a 15-degree of arc in from of the muzzle.
Causes 15 bashing damage at ground zero, where the grenade goes off, subtracting 1 for every meter away. It is usually preferred to throw the grenade above the heads of rioters, to hit more of the crowd.
This causes no damage, but is a severe eye, throat, and nose irritant. Though it does not prevent you from breathing, those with no experience with it will feel as if they can't breathe. Most people will probably panic and run. It should be noted that many military personnel are required to go through an annual qualification, and often are not bothered by it.
(I have been exposed to it so much it that it doesn't bother me at all.)
These cause a loud thunderclap and an extremely blind flash. Those within a meter of the explosion will most likely have permanent hearing loss. Those within about 20 meters of the explosion will be very disoriented, and blinded for a few seconds. Kindred with heightened senses may very well frenzy from the sensory overload.
OC contains peppers, which burn the skin, eyes, mouth, and nose. The potency of the particular spray is measured in Scoville Heat Units (SHUs).
Civilian brand pepper sprays are about 5,000 SHUs; the one issued to military is about 3,000,000. Many people are not bothered by the civilian or police sprays, particularly those who have been exposed to the military grade OC. Those hit with the military grade OC will not be any more problem. Mortals hit should make courage roll, diff 7 or eight, depending on how much spray they receive. The pain is excruciating, and those affected should reduce their dice pools by about 2 or 3. It is up to the storyteller to determine just how much kindred biology is affected by it. Considering how postal workers sometimes carry it to defend against dogs, one traveling in Lupine territory might consider investing in the stuff, but who knows if it would deter them, or just make them go absolutely berserk.
Military going through riot control training are required to get sprayed with OC, and I can tell you, the pain is indescribable. There is nothing on earth that can possibly be more painful. My friends and I call it Liquid Hell.
Overuse of military grade OC should call for a humanity roll.
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